Friday, September 14, 2012

Celebrity Chef Challenge

I have realised that I do quite like cooking after years of disliking the activity. What I do REALLY dislike is clearing up. OK, so most of the stuff goes in the dishwsher, but there are always certain things that have to be washed in the sink.  And as for the is often said that ironing is the most disliked chore but I beg to differ. Without doubt cleaning the oven is orders of magnitude worse.

I would like these celebrity chefs, who have probably forgotten the last time they went near a kitchen sink, and have an army of minions clearing up behind them, to construct a meal ( a proper meal, not sandwiches or a salad) that has minimal mess and no mucky pans or ovens.

Wouldn't that be good?


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

olympic boycott

I am going to boycott the Olympics.
I know this will cause great consternation among the organisers as I am such a fan of all things sporty but it is turning into a marketing event with a bit of sport on the side.
The sales and distribution of tickets is a joke. I only know one person who has managed to buy tickets but there seem to be lots available to buyers of chocolate bars.  One usually equates sport and health so perhaps tickets should be given away with the purchase of fruit and veg. 
And now we have the proposed opening ceremony at a cost of £27million being the most expensive village green ever!!  Artificial rain for goodness sake!!
And the country is supposed to be how many billions in debt?  

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday 11th June

Now I know what it feels like to live at the bottom of a pond.
It has rained all day.  I put a 50litre container underneath a leaky gutter and it filled up in two hours!!
Much to my frustration I have a large water butt just waiting to be connected to the downpipe.